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Sunday 5 January 2025 St Peter's Notting Hill Feast of Epiphany Matthew 2 1-12

29 December 2024 St Peter's Notting Hill Matthew 2 13-23

Wednesday 25 December 2024 Christmas Day St Peter's Notting Hill Luke 2 1-20


Sunday 29 September 2024 St Matthews Westminster Sermon on St Michael and The Angels 

10 December 2023 St Peter's Notting Hill Isaiah 9: 2 and 6-7 Isaiah 11: 1-4a, Isaiah 53:3-5 Malachi 3: 1-2 Isaiah 40: 3-5


12 November 2023 Remembrance Sunday St Matthew's Church Westminster 


27 November 2022 Luke 3 1-18 St Peter's Church Kensington Park Road 

13 November 2022 Remembrance Sunday at The Queen's College Oxford Evensong

13 November 2022 John 1 1-7 at St Peter's Church Kensington Park Road W11 2PN


December 5 2021 Advent 2 Baruch 5.1-9  Philippians 1.3-11 Luke 3.1-6 at St Matthew's Westminster


January 3 2021 Second Sunday after Christmas Matthew 2 v 1-12 at St Matthew's Westminster

16 December 2020 as Honorary Chaplain to CIG at Westminster Abbey

December 2020 Welcome, Bidding Prayer and Homily by Revd Jonathan Aitken to the Central Criminal Court Annual Carol Service, The Great Hall, The Old Bailey, London, E.C. 4.

9 December 2020 Sermon to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

1 November 2020 All Saints' Day Revelation 7: 9-End; 1 John 3: 1-3; Matthew 5: 1-12 at St Matthew's Westminster

31 May 2020 Pentecost Sunday Acts 2 v 1-20 at St Matthew's Westminster


8 March 2020 John 3 v 1-16 Sermon at St Matthew's Westminster


26 February 2020 Ash Wednesday Homily St Matthew's Westminster

9 February 2020 Sermon St Matthew's Matthew 15 v13-20 SMW 9 February 2020

19 January 2020  Sermon St Matthew's Isaiah 49 1-7 1 Corinthians 1 1-9 John 1 29 –42

21 October 2019 Sermon delivered at Special Service to mark 200 years of HMP Brixton

13 October 2019 Law Sunday Address at Winchester Cathedral 

9 October 2019 Sermon delivered at Durham Cathedral at a Special Service celebrating 200 years of HMP Durham

29 September 2019 Choral Mass St Matthew's Westminster The Feast of St Michael and All Angels Revelation 12: 7-12 Hebrews 1: 5–end John 1: 47-end

25 August 2019 Mass Sunday Christ The Saviour Ealing Isaiah 58: 9-14 Hebrews 12: 18-29 Luke 13: 10-17


Sunday 14 July 2019 Jonathan's sermon to the prisoners at HMP Pentonville Caledonian Road London N7 8TT on 

Easter Day Sunday April 21 2019 St Matthew’s Westminster Luke 24: 1-12


Sunday April 7 2019 St Matthew’s Westminster Isaiah 43: 16-21  Philippians 3: 4-14 John 12: 1-8

Sunday 24 March 2019 Eton College Lower Chapel Isaiah 6:1-8

27 January 2019 St Matthew’s Westminster 1 Corinthians 12 1-31 and Luke 4: 14-21

18 December 2018 FOREIGN OFFICE CAROL SERVICE Sermon at Grand Locarno Room, King Charles St, Westminster, London SW1A 2AH

December 2 2018 Advent Sunday at St Matthew’s Westminster Jeremiah 33: 14-16; Thessalonians 3: 9 to end; Luke 21: 29-36


November 25 2018 St Peter’s Notting Hill Hebrews 13: 1-3 & 7 - 8


11 November 2018 Remembrance Sunday at St Matthew’s Westminster  

3rd December 2017 (Advent Sunday) St. Matthew’s Westminster Readings:  Isaiah 64:  1 – 9, Corinthians 1: 3 – 9, Mark 13:  24 – end


11 December 2015 St Jude’s, Advent 3 2016 Matthew 11:2-11


22 November 2015 Sermon to St Dionis Matthew 25: 31-46


Sunday 5 September 2015 Sermon in St Augustine’s Queen’s Gate Mark 7: Verses 24-End


19 July 2015 St Matthew’s Westminster Jeremiah 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:11-end St Mark 6:30-34, 53-end

Sunday 10 May 2015 Sermon for St Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens SW7 based on reading John 15: 9-17

The New Parliament - What Now Should We Pray For? Please click HERE for transcribe


7 December 2014  Advent 2 Sermon for St Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens SW7 based on READINGS: ISAIAH 40 1-9 MARK 1 1-6 please click HERE for transcribe




27 April 2014  Sermon on Acts 2 give at St Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens SW7



2 April 2010 Reflection in Westminster Abbey at the conclusion of the Good Friday service



Mothering Sunday, 14 March 2010, St Matthew’s Westminster



Pentecost Sunday 31 May 2010, St Matthew’s Westminster



Website Development by Brian Kavanagh                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

If you wish to contact The Revd Jonathan Aitken please email:                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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